PhD student
Education:Taiwan International Graduate Program
Address:Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica 128 Academia Road Sec. 2
City:Nankang, Taipei
Yi-Lung Chen 陳宜龍 (2012-2014)
Study Area
Microbial Ecology, Biological oceanography, microbial metagenomics
Interests & Hobbies
Biking, Hiking, jogging, surfing, swimming....
Journal and Review Papers
  • Ching-Hung Tseng, Pei-Wen Chiang, Fuh-Kwo Shiah, Yi-Lung Chen, Jia-Rong Liou, Ting-Chang Hsu, Suhinthan Maheswararajah, Isaam Saeed, Saman Halgamuge and Sen-Lin Tang. (2013) Microbial and viral metagenomes of a subtropical freshwater reservoir subject to climatic disturbances. ISME J, doi:10.1038/ismej.2013.118
  • Yoshimasa Yamamoto, Fuh-Kwo Shiah and Yi-Lung Chen. (2011) Importance of large colony formation in bloom-forming cyanobacteria to dominate in eutrophic ponds. Ann Limnol-Int J Lim 47: 167 – 173.
  • Yu-Fen Tseng, Ting-Chang Hsu, Yi-Lung Chen, Shuh-Ji Kao, Jiunn-Tzong Wu, Ji-Chen Lu, Chao-Chen Lai, Hsiang-Yi Kuo, Chih-Hsien Lin, Yoshimasa Yamamoto, Tian Xiao, Fuh-Kwo Shiah. (2010) Typhoon effects on DOC dynamics in a phosphate-limited reservoir. Aquat microb ecol 60: 247 – 260.
Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica - No.128, Academia Road, Sec.2, Nankang, Taipei 115, Taiwan
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